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Nonverbal Learning Disabilities At School Pamela B. Tanguay [BETTER]

Brumback, R. A., Harper, C. R., & Weinberg, W. A. (1996), Nonverbal learning disabilities, Asperger's syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder -- should we care? Journal of Child Neurology, 11 (6), 427-429.

nonverbal learning disabilities at school pamela b. tanguay

Gross-Tsur, V., Shalev, R. S., Manor, N., & Amir, N. (1995), Developmental right-hemisphere syndrome: Clinical spectrum of the nonverbal learning disability, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 28 (2), 80-86.

The typical school campus presents students with multiple, constantly changing challenges every day. For the child with nonverbal learning disorders (NLD) these demands can prove to be totally overwhelming and may appear insurmountable at times.

LD OnLine is the leading website on learning disabilities and learning differences. Parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities will find supportive and authoritative guidance on attention deficit disorder, ADD / ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, reading difficulties, speech, and related disorders.

A parent's complete guide to learning disabilities from pre-school to adulthood. It helps parents navigate the maze of challenges that so often leave them feeling overwhelmed and helpless. It helps youngsters hold onto their dreams.

What every parent and teacher need to know about learning disabilities. This book clearly outlines the issues that concern both parents and teachers-ultimately pointing to clear strategies to help children with all manner of learning problems.

Statements like the following are often true of individuals with a nonverbal learning disability:They talk a lot but really say very little. They see the "trees" not the "forest." They focus on details, do not apprehend the main idea. They do not "see the whole picture." They do not "read" facial expressions, gestures, or other nonverbal aspects of communication; they miss the subtleties, nuances. They may be inappropriate in their social interactions. They have few friends; friendships tend to be with older or younger persons rather than peers. They tend to process information in a linear, sequential fashion, not seeing multiple dimensions. In spite of relative strength in sequencing or recalling sequences, they may confuse abstract temporal concepts; they have significant difficulty recognizing cause-effect relationships. They frequently "shut down" when faced with pressure to perform; such pressure might come from too many simultaneous demands, from tasks which seem too complex, or from expectations to perform at a rate which seems too rapid. As adults they tend to be underemployed relative to their educational experiences.

Contact Community ServicesWe are a non-profit human services agency committed to improving the social and emotional well-being of people in Syracuse and Onondaga County; working with schools to remove behavioral and mental health barriers to learning; providing leadership in improving social, educational and mental health systems.


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